Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Real Reason Why a Prop 8 Defendant Withdrew?

Americablog has an interesting piece on  Hak-Shing William Tam, the defendant who has asked to withdraw from the Prop 8 trial.  He has said that he does "not like the burden of complying with discovery requests"  and that he does "not like people questioning me on my private personal beliefs." You can understand why when you see what's he's written.  Here's just a snippet of something he wrote about what might happen if same-sex marriage were legalized: "One by one, other states would fall into Satan’s hands.  Every child, when growing up, would fantasize marrying someone of the same sex. More children would become homosexuals.”

This would be important evidence since the plaintiffs are trying to prove that the motivation behind Prop 8 was anti-gay violence.

He also elaborates on the "harassment" he faced during the Prop 8 battle: "During the Proposition 8 campaign period a young woman tried to remove the Proposition 8 yard sign in my front yard. When I opened my door she ran."  Wow.  Sounds like a violent hate crime to me.  Bring in the FBI.

Thanks to AP, Americablog, and Box Turtle Bulletin.

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