Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is " Don't Ask, Don't Tell" finally on its way out? The State of the Union Address may have the answer

According to Roxana Tiron of The Hill a hearing this week that was to address the Clinton-era "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) policy was put on hold when White House officials asked for a postponement until after President Obama's State of the Union Address on Wednesday night. 

Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.), the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee and opponent of DADT, was expected to have Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs Mike Mullen testify before his committee this week.  The date of the hearing is now February 11.

According to a senate aide, Levin was told to hold off on announcing the hearing until President Obama's State of the Union Address on January 27.

"Somebody representing the Pentagon said that the White House, that the president was expected, they thought, to state that policy at the State of the Union," Levin said.

If indeed DADT is on its way out, it is not only an ethically sound move, but a politically wise move as well.  Polls show solid support for overturning the policy.  President Obama could show decisive leadership with a move that may seem more controversial than it actually is.  He could help shore up his base, which was on the low end of the "enthusiasm gap" in the Mass senate race.  And in case White House officials get cold feet, they should remember that the first George Bush temporarily suspended the law barring gays from the military service during the Gulf War with little controversy.

Whatever is said during the State of the Union address, I hope Joe "You Lie" Wilson will act like a member of Congress this evening and not a spectator at a hockey game.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. all i can say is wow how incrediably meanspirited and stupid

  4. Just for the record...I was originally going to keep the anonymous posting up to show the extreme hatred out there. (It was as hateful a post as you could imagine.) I've decided to take it down so as not to give anonymous any more airtime. Thanks for reading.

  5. Thanks, Charles -- looks like you saw the post before I took it down!

  6. Wow, that would be a cool announcement.

    Mr. Harvey, on an unrelated note, so far your gay marriage seems to have not yet destroyed civilization. Perhaps you could put a counter on your website that showed the number of consecutive days that civilazation has withstood this enormous burden.

  7. Now if only the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) would soon follow, this country would be a better place.

  8. Go back into the closet that you came out of or the island of misfits
